Major motherboard partners of Intel have confirmed that their users will start receiving important BIOS updates containing the crucial microcode patch for Raptor Lake CPUs starting next week.
ASUS and MSI have both announced their plans to deliver the new microcode for 13th and 14th Gen Raptor Lake CPUs throughout August. The updated CPU microcode, set to be finalized soon, aims to prevent Intel’s desktop CPUs from experiencing issues such as instability or complete failure due to excessive voltage applied by the original microcode.
Microcode updates, developed by Intel, are distributed via motherboard BIOSes created by individual vendors like ASUS and MSI. The timing and availability of these updates are ultimately determined by the motherboard manufacturers, posing challenges for users and Intel alike.
Both ASUS and MSI are expediting the process of updating their motherboards, with plans to release BIOSes containing the new microcode next week. MSI has committed to providing the update for all 600 and 700 series Intel motherboards by the end of the month, starting with high-end models.
While ASUS and MSI have announced their distribution plans, there is yet to be confirmation from other major motherboard manufacturers and OEM giants like HP and Dell. The timely dissemination of the microcode patch is crucial to prevent further issues with Raptor Lake CPUs.