Make the most of your time! Dedicate just an hour a day for a month and acquire a skill that will benefit you forever. While beach reads are relaxing, investing a month in learning a new skill is a valuable way to utilize your time.
Exciting news! My latest course on Strategy is now available. Enjoy a 30% discount this week by using this link. This course has been fine-tuned with feedback from 300 participants worldwide, who have found it to be powerful and effective. With over forty video lessons, this course serves as the foundation for my upcoming book, set to be released in October.
For a limited time in August, I am offering a special discount on my most popular course, the Marketing Seminar, which has attracted over 9,000 students on Udemy.
Additionally, check out my concise course on value creation and project selection. Discover the top eight popular courses available here.
Learning opens up a world of possibilities. Once we understand how the world operates, we can actively contribute to making positive changes.