Here are five questions and answers:
1. Can my wife report her creepy coworker to HR?
Your wife should definitely talk to HR about her concerning situation with a coworker who is behaving inappropriately. The pattern of behavior is what is important here, not just a one-time incident like seeing him at a public restaurant. It’s understandable that she didn’t immediately shut down his behavior, and she should not feel responsible for his choices.
2. Interviewers want to talk about my feelings after rejecting me
It’s strange for interviewers to ask about your feelings after rejecting you. The best approach is to politely acknowledge the decision and focus on any feedback for improvement. Be a cheerful wall and redirect the conversation back to the professional aspect of the situation.
3. My boss got upset that I tried to keep her email after she retires
It sounds like there may have been a misunderstanding or your boss is having complex emotions about retiring. Try to apologize and clarify the situation with her, but also remember that her strong reaction may not be entirely about your actions.
4. People are pressing me to attend the staff Christmas party (it’s August)
If you’re not sure about attending the Christmas party, it’s okay to give a non-committal response like mentioning you can’t plan that far ahead. You can politely deflect the invitations until you have a clearer idea of your availability closer to the event.
5. I want a job without much variety
If you prefer a more consistent job with a scheduled process flow, there are options out there that cater to this preference. You can seek out roles that have a more predictable workflow and avoid positions that involve constant change and unexpected tasks.