Join me for the annual Ask a Manager speed round! I’ll be answering questions live until 3:30 pm ET today.
How to ask questions: Use the form here to submit your question. (Don’t leave your question in the comment section as I won’t see it there.) If you submitted a question yesterday, there’s no need to resubmit; I have it in my queue.
How to read answers live: Refresh the page to see new questions/answers. I’ll post new answers at the top as I go so you don’t have to scroll down to see the latest.
Other info: This is a speed round, so expect quick answers. Let’s see how many questions I can answer!
That’s it for today!
I received 599 total questions and answered 72 here. Feel free to submit your questions for regular answers here.
I may save some unused questions for future “short answer” posts or do a second speed round next month.
72. Witnessing employee conduct
I witnessed a contentious conversation between two employees in a retail setting. It sounded like a manager berating her employee in public. Should I have done something?
It’s hard to know without more details, but if you had interacted with the employee being berated, one option was to go over to them and say something positive to show your support indirectly.
There may be situations where it’s reasonable to speak up against inappropriate behavior, but use your judgment in deciding when to intervene.
71. Personal space boundaries
My boss sits too close to me and invades my personal space. How can I address this?
It’s important to set boundaries with your boss. Try politely asking for more personal space by saying, “Can I move over a little?” or “I prefer a bit more space while working.”
If the behavior persists, consider having a direct conversation with your boss about your discomfort with the closeness.
70. Office grooming etiquette
A coworker clips their nails daily at their desk, which I find uncomfortable. How should I address this?
Grooming activities in the office should be kept to a minimum. While clipping one hangnail discreetly is acceptable, extensive nail clipping should be done in a private area. Politely inform your coworker about your discomfort with the noise and request a more suitable time or location for this activity.